Sunday, October 28, 2007

A work-free weekend, yeay!

To look at this blog one would be forgiven for thinking that the Lugster had dropped off the face of the earth, but no, I'm still here. Working feverishly. "Team Lugs" are currently engaged on a relatively large project for a large agency on behalf of a large client. That's about as close as I can get with my description except to say that it involves us doing a lot of drawings. The project has been going for a couple of months now but only now is it cranking up. It will be good once it is done but right now we are only in the early stages of it. Can't show you anything until it is done and published, of course.

This weekend though, no work for a change, so it was all about the forthcoming Halloween, carving pumpkins, cleaning out the garage so we can decorate it for Wednesday... and building a storage unit in the basement, that sort of thing. I'll leave you to decide which Lug family member carved which pumpkin.

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