Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"That time of the month" is over

It’s the middle of the week and now we are back to doing artwork. Assistant Lugs has started to put together the latest newsletter for a Canadian Jazz organization and I am turning my attention toward doing the retouching for some wine ads for a newspaper. It is a welcome change... I suspect I will whine interminably in this blog about how I hate doing administration at the beginning of every month. This month will be no exception.

I hate administration... I am always losing $3000 dollars, only to find it tucked away where it is supposed to be an hour later. Or I am ready to send out an invoice but it just needs one more P.O. number before I can send it and no-one can tell me what that number is. The wrinkles in billing, quoting and accounting are endless and I am impressed by those that can deal with it all the time. Every time I spend a couple of days at it every month, I think “Wow, how do those suits do it?” It’s a skill I don’t have and probably never will. I procrastinate on the billing issue and thus just make it worse for myself. Still I have dropped the invoices in the mail for all the jobs completed during September and I can now turn my attention back to what I really love to do: working with images.

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