Friday, October 5, 2007

Dental work

Well if this isn’t the week for a full human tune-up. Went to the dentist yesterday. After a filling I had one of my wisdom teeth pulled. Should have had them out years ago but couldn’t afford it. Well, one of them was in the standing way for the second filling this morning so I had it yanked. We’ll get to the actual filling in a couple of weeks. The doctor had it out before I realized he was doing it. I think that is because the tooth was above the surface and it had relatively short roots. So, now there’s a hole in my mouth and I feel as though I have been punched. Hey I never said I was going to talk about important stuff on this blog.

On the work front... a job that was supposed to happen was considerably reduced in scope, so, with all this spare time, we are archiving like mad bunnies here in anticipation of a busy week next week.

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