Sunday, December 2, 2007

This is bugging me

The Lugs family had been to the cottage for the weekend. Upon our return Ms Lugs found a suspicious 3mm long "creature" attached to the top of our dog Nuala's head. It looked as though it had burrowed in partly under the skin. (sorry for the details there) Nuala was taken to the vet where the tick (for so it was) got to be extracted and sent away for testing to see if it carried Lyme Disease.

Two days later Ms Lugs was stroking Nuala and she found ANOTHER tick near the site of the first one. I looked at it and tried pulling it out. It relinquished Naula's scalp with a large clicking sound. For some reason that sound really grossed me out. On closer inspection I found yet another but considerably smaller tick at the same site. He wasn't trying to dig in but was just ambling around instead. He too was removed and put into a sealed container.

Later, Ms Lugs called me from the Jeep with what has to be the funniest call I have had in ages. She said "I can't believe I am driving a tick and his little buddy to the vet today!" That might have sounded good as a tweet.

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