Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The problem with quotes

I have so many quotes out there right now, floating around in client land. Several things might happen:
  • I won't get any of them... which will be okay for a while because I have so much work at the moment
  • I might get one or two of them... this scenario will also be fine because it'll keep the old machine going.
  • I get awarded all of them. Big problem. It has happened before... it's likely to happen again.

The thing is, I send out the quote thinkiung "Phew! There's something else I have gotten off my desk...!" Unfortunately it is like removing the trunk of an elephant from your desk. Sure the elephant might leave and go someplace else, but it usually happens that he only disappears for a short while and then comes back to take up residence right in the centre of my list of things to do. I know, freelancers should not complain about having too much work. It is a nice problem to have. Ok, I'll stop whining right now.

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