Our street had a street sale this Saturday. An ad in the newspaper and some mention on the web brought out the crowds. It was neat to see the neighbours on the street engaged in a different actvity to those we normally see each other... most often we meet shoveling snow or tipping back a beer during the annual street party in the summer.
We kept a lot of stuff from going into the landfill on Saturday. It is amazing what people can find a use for. I suppose there is a time and place for everything and so many things on the tressles outiside our garage were no longer appropriate to our current time. Little Lugs has grown up and much of the stuff we sold was perfectly good but no longer used my him.
I saw a city vehicle driving up and I joked aloud that the city was here to check on our permit.... well, you don’t need a permit but we did learn from the driver of that city vehicle that we are only allowed to have 2 garage sales a year. Huh! As if we’d have that much junk!